Don’t Be Afraid of Online Blackjack

BlackjackIn physical casinos, blackjack generally tends to be the high rollers game of choice. Whenever the fancy costumed gentlemen in the rich section of the casino decide to try their luck, but don’t feel confident enough to sit at the poker table, chances are they’re going to attempt to get 21. I mean, when’s the last time you’ve seen a high roller play slots, anyway? Sure, roulette tends to be a slightly more popular option, but blackjack is where the big money’s at, if only because a lot of people assume that they can win against the casino. I mean, sure, there’s tons of strategies when it comes to playing roulette, but they’re only there to ensure that your odds are increased. Blackjack strategies, on the other hand, like the ones detailed in “The World’s Greatest Blackjack Book”, go a step above that – they promise to pretty much guarantee your success.

Card counting is by far the most popular strategy for “beating” blackjack, allowing you to gauge the probability of a certain card coming up based on the cards that have been played before it (for example, if three 8s have already been played, the chance of an 8 coming up in your next hand is only a fourth of what it would’ve been with a shuffled hand). The problem with card counting isn’t that it’s illegal (because it is not, and whoever keeps saying that it is is lying), and hell, it’s not even that casinos will ban you if they catch you (chances are you won’t make NEARLY enough money with card counting in order to be caught). No, the real problem is that it doesn’t really work with the online version of blackjack.

Online blackjack is immensely popular. It only warrants a single visit to a site such as to see just how far this game has come in the last few years… And yet there are still people who openly refuse to play it because they can’t count cards. Which is an absolute shame, for several reasons. First of all – card counting isn’t NEARLY as effective as you might think. Most people believe that if you can count cards, you automatically turn into the kid from “21” and start making millions. That, however, is very far from the truth. Your odds increase, sure, but they don’t increase as dramatically as most people think. Second of all – most forms of online blackjack compensate for this by offering you much better odds than roulette or slots do. You’re a lot more likely to consistently win at online blackjack than at any other form of online gambling.

So don’t write off online blackjack just because you can’t count cards. Just enjoy it for what it is, and hey – if push comes to shove and you just literally can not play blackjack without counting, then there’s always live casino!